Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analyzing the factors which influencing customers of choosing a soft drinks Essay

The overview of business environment is changing overtime. Due to increasing of excessive competition in business environment, customer preference and purchase intention are changing day by day. Now Bangladesh is more intense as competitive market in beverage industry with lot of foreign and local companies. People are being more health conscious day by day. They are becoming aware about their daily diet in which liquids play the vital role. Availability of soft drink in our country is numerous. Everyday new types of soft drinks are being launched. The reasons behind this popularity for this soft drink show that demand is very higher in our country. Throughout the year, consumption of the soft drinks goes on. Kids to elder people everybody like soft drink; specially kids and young generation. The competition among the soft drink companies is very high. They are fighting all-time to attract customer and satisfy them in better way than their rivals. In this regard, we searched out the scope to do a marketing research. We have selected five factors or variables: Brand image, Price, Quality, Taste and Product Availability to identify based on which factor customers used to choose a particular soft drink brand. Indeed, we tried to find out which factor among these five factors is the most influential to choose a particular soft drink brand. Brand Image: Brand image refers to images arising in a consumer’s mind from exposure to a named brand. It refers to the impression in the consumers’ mind of a brand’s total personality (real and imaginary qualities and shortcomings). Consumers buy not only a product (commodity), but also the images associated with the product such as power, wealth, sophistication, and most importantly identification and association with other users of the brand. The term â€Å"brand image† gained popularity as evidence began to grow that the feelings and images associated with a brand were powerful purchase influencers. Studies based on that also suggested that brand image can be an important information cue for consumers to evaluate a product. A brand is unlikely to have one brand image, but several, though one or two may predominate. The key in brand image research is to identify or develop the most powerful images and reinforce them through subsequent brand communications. Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and are almost always unique among competitive brands. Brand image is developed over time through advertising campaigns with consistent theme, and packaging, customer service, word-of-mouth and other aspects of brand experience. Brand images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first words/images that come to their mind when a certain brand is mentioned (sometimes called â€Å"top of mind†). When responses are highly variable, non-forthcoming, or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an indicator of a weak brand image. Consumers also feel pride of owning a product purchased from a branded store because they perceive the brand as an image of social status. Social status is the honor or prestige attached to one’s position in society. A society’s stratification system, which is the system of distributing rewards to the members of society, determines social status. Social status, the position or rank of a person or group within the stratification system, can be determined two ways. One can earn their social status by their own achievements, which is known as achieved status. Alternatively, one can be placed in the stratification system by their inherited position, which is called ascribed status. Some consumers believe in themselves to have high social status. Quality: Quality is the ability of a product to satisfy a consumer’s needs and requirements. Perceived quality can be defined as the perception of a consumer about the overall excellence and superiority of a brand, which is directly related to his satisfaction. Quality is the best indicator of the product’s durability, reliability, precision and other valued attributes. It provides added value and constructive perception on a brand to affect consumers’ brand evaluation. The high quality perception often depends on consumers’ distinct liking and beliefs toward the brand. Thus, a brand may contain quality attributes but it may not satisfy consumers’ preference if it does not fit with their perceptions and beliefs of high quality. Typically, consumers recognize the quality levels of different brands through categorical information as well as experience with the brand and they form positive or negative perceptions about the quality of a specific brand. When consumers are convinced with quality of a brand, they evaluate a brand positively. Consumers also feel pride of owning quality product because they perceive better quality as an image of social status. Sometimes, the perception of quality is diverse among consumers. For a brand, different consumers hold different perception vis-a-vis brand quality. One brand might be coded as â€Å"high quality† by some consumers, and â€Å"medium quality† or â€Å"low quality† by others. Again, product quality perceptions are also varied based on the product class. Taste: Taste is defined to as the consumer’s opinion of a product’s (or a brand’s) ability to fulfill his or her expectations, which is directly related to his / her satisfaction. It may have little or nothing to do with the actual excellence of the product, and is based on the firms (or brands) current public image, consumer’s experience with the firm’s other products, and the influence of the opinion leaders, consumer’s peer group, and others. Quality is the best indicator of the product’s durability, reliability, precision, and other valued attributes. It provides added value and constructive perception on a brand to affect consumers’ brand evaluation. The high quality perception on products often depends on consumers’ distinct liking and beliefs toward supplier and manufacturer of the products. From this belief, if consumers are not satisfied with the taste of juice, they will never purchase that juice. It will also create negative impact for the next product in future. So, perceived taste or quality of juice is very crucial as it is an edible item. Price: Consumers want to get highest utility from a product they purchase by sacrificing money and benefit from other brands. Price perception is the process by which consumers translate price into meaningful cognitions, and it has interested researchers for several years. The classical economic models suggest that a consumer maximizes utility by allocating a limited budget over alternative goods and services. So effects of price are more associated with quality perception of a product or brand. Consumers generally perceive high priced products to be of high quality. Price conveys information to the consumer about product quality. Thus, price information is extensively used as an extrinsic cue to evaluate a product. That is why, price can play both role as an indicator of the level of quality and an indicator of the amount of sacrifice needed to purchase a product. Product availability: Making the products available to the target customers so that they can buy it, i. e. placing or distribution is one of the basic 4Ps of marketing mix. It is essential for companies to make their products easily available to the customers. Availability is becoming an increasingly important issue for consumers seeking out convenient items. When customers find little or no difference between a firm’s product and those of competing suppliers, the customers are readily willing to take a second-choice brand when the first is not immediately available. These products are said to be highly substitutable. In our country, numerous juice manufacturers produce different types and tasted of juice. As a result competition is very high. Substitutable products are also numerous like juices, chocolate milk, water. Thus, volume of stocks available and also the level of variety of stocks, determined in terms of SKUs (Stock Keeping Units), are crucial for sellers to attract and retain consumers. A new survey from the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) found that retailers and manufacturers across Europe are losing out to store and brand switching as consumers substitute products, which are unavailable or difficult to find. Product unavailability will simply influence consumers to switch to other brand juice. Thus, product availability is a very important construct for evaluating consumers’ purchase-decision making 1. 2 Statement of the problem The overview of business environment is changing overtime. Due to increasing of excessive competition in business environment, customer preference and purchase intention are changing day by day. Now Bangladesh is more intense as competitive market in beverage industry with lot of foreign and local companies. People are being more health conscious day by day. They are becoming aware about their daily diet in which liquids play the vital role. Availability of soft drink in our country is numerous. Everyday new types of soft drinks are being launched. The reasons behind this popularity for this soft drink show that demand is very higher in our country. Throughout the year, consumption of the soft drinks goes on. Kids to elder people everybody like soft drink; specially kids and young generation. The competition among the soft drink companies is very high. They are fighting all-time to attract customer and satisfy them in better way than their rivals. In this regard, we searched out the scope to do a marketing research. We have selected five factors or variables: Brand image, Price, Quality, Taste and Product Availability to identify based on which factor customers used to choose a particular soft drink brand. Indeed, we tried to find out which factor among these five factors is the most influential to choose a particular soft drink brand. 1. 3 Purpose of the study We are interested in this topic because we see that everyday a huge amount of beverages is being consumed by the people. This research will give us a clear picture about the mindset of the consumers about which beverage they purchase and at what condition. And also while purchasing beverage what they are looking for. The main objective of this research is to conduct conclusive research to understand how consumers are taking the purchasing decision, what the factors that are influencing their decision and what are they actually looking for while purchasing any beverage. A careful review of those areas led to the identification of the following specific research objectives: 1. To identify the criteria that consumers use when selecting beverage. 2. To know that how consumers evaluate beverage industry and their choice criteria. 3. To identify the demographic and psychographic profile of the consumers. 4. To determine that can customer preference and purchase intention be explained in terms product evaluations and customer characteristics. 5. To identify the value proposition of the customer. 2. 0 Literature Review Soft drinks are most common popular fast moving consumer goods in Bangladesh. After independence the soft drinks habit of Bangladeshi people has been changed a lot. Besides our traditional soft drinks consumer of Bangladesh like to take western soft drinks also after 1980s. As a result of global marketing this was not too hard for the consumers. Different foreign food companies were established in Bangladesh. Beverage industry is one of them. But more interestingly we don’t know beverage is also our cultural food because beverage doesn’t mean only carbonated drinks. Yoghurt, soup and lacchi are also beverage of our own tradition, which consumed for the last 100 years in Bangladesh. Beverage business entered into our market in the later part of 1980. At that time there were only few companies in Bangladesh. But by the change of time and western culture influences it’s become very popular in Bangladesh. By year 2000 more than 12 Beverage Company operating business in Bangladesh and most of them are foreign companies. Most of the studies conducted on the customer preference of beverage have been reviewed in the subsequent section. A. John S. A. Edwards & Hadyn Ingram (1995), Volume 7; Issue 5; Page 25 – 28in â€Å"Food, beverage and accommodation: an integrated operations approach†mentioned that accommodation has a close relation with food & beverage. B. Mary Bellis (2005) in â€Å"Food History – Beverages and Drinks† explained thehistory of Beer, Wine, Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic beverages and Drinks. C. Mohajon Bangladeshi Online Bazar (2006) in â€Å"Beverage product view†identified different beverages & their quality with prices. D. Transcom Beverage Limited official website (2003) in â€Å"Introduction† explained that TBL manufactures the famous Pepsi range of beverages-Pepsi, 7up,Mirinda Orange, Mirinda Lemon, Slice and Soda. As a corporate citizen Pepsico believes it has a responsibility to contribute to the quality of life in our communities. 3. 0 Research Methodology 3. 1 Research Design The research method will be applied research design. We have followed problem identification research. Our research is an exploratory research. Each respondent will be interviewed through filling up his or her questionnaire. Because of the conclusive nature of the objectives, we will primarily use quantitative questioning in the surveys. For making research questions more effective researcher will use Likert-5 Scale method for most of the questions, and also some other questioning method so that interviewers can easily express their opinions on the questionnaire, and it will facilitate the researcher to identify the actual objectives of this business research. The sample size of this study will be 40 and respondents will be selected from several universities throughout the Dhaka city. Eligible respondents will be adult over the age of 18. Information will be collected through interviewer administered questionnaire method. A simple random method will be used to select respondent to the questionnaire. 40 questionnaires will be prepared based on demographic factors of respondent (like: age, income, occupation, loyalty, media preference, leisure passing, etc) and some factors considered important for satisfaction measurement. The factors are: quality of product, price, convenience, flavor, taste, and brand image. Research questions 1. How does a brand image influence customers to choose a soft drink? 2. How does a quality influence customer to choose a soft drink? 3. How does taste influence customers to choose a soft drink? 4. How does price persuade the customers’ decision to choose a soft drink? 5. How does product availability reinforce the customers’ to choose a soft drink? Hypotheses of the study: Based on the Research Question, we have developed the following hypothesis: Influence of Brand image Brand image is a crucial extrinsic cue which provides specific information about product quality, reputation, performance, credibility, prestige, and so on about a brand. Hence, chain superstores with high image brands may have significant and dominating influence in customers for choosing to shop at a chain superstore. A well-known brand also reduces the consumers’ risk perception and increases positive preference towards a superstore. Brand image is also used as a symbol of social status sometimes and it forces the consumer to own the brand name of a chain superstore. Thus, if a chain superstore can achieve reliability and reputation as a high image brand, the consumers is highly influenced to choose that store whenever they are shopping. Therefore, our first hypothesis, H1: Brand image influences customers to choose a soft drink Influence of perceived quality Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a brand based on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. When a consumer lacks sufficient knowledge about intrinsic cues, he or she may use perceived quality information to evaluate a brand. Nowadays, a consumer does not intend to buy just a brand, but he or she purchases the benefits associated with it. Consequently, high quality perceptions toward a brand achieve consumers’ preferences and satisfactions rapidly. Consumers evaluate a brand as unique, prestigious and reliable for its superior quality. If the product is associated with high perceived quality, the consumers’ trust of a brand is increased and thus a brand’s preference is also increased. Moreover, consumers use the brand’s quality to differentiate a brand from the other brands. Researchers generally have postulated that there are many different ways to differentiate products; superior quality is one of the most effective. Therefore, the perception of higher quality directly influences the consumers’ favorable evaluation of a brand. So, our second hypothesis, H2: Quality influences customers to choose a soft drink. Influence of taste Quality is the totality of a features and characteristics of a product based on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. When a customer lacks sufficient knowledge about intrinsic cues, he or she may use perceived quality of a product while deciding to shop at a chain superstore rather than at a departmental store. Nowadays, customers do not intend to buy just a product or its brand, but they purchases the benefits associated with it. Consequently, high quality perceptions toward a store achieve consumers’ preferences and satisfactions rapidly. Consumers evaluate a branded store as unique, prestigious and reliable for its ability to provide superior quality products. If the product is associated with high-perceived quality, the consumers’ trust of that store increases and thus that store’s preference also increases. Although there are many ways of differentiating products, researchers generally have recommended that superior quality is one of the most effective ways. So when a super chain store provides same products with higher quality, consumers will use that high quality to differentiate their products from products of other stores. Consumers will definitely buy products from that superstore rather than from departmental stores. Therefore, the perception of higher quality directly influences the consumers’ choice of chain superstores over departmental stores. Therefore, our third hypothesis: H3: Taste influence customers to buy a soft drink Influence of price Consumers are most likely to use price in deciding which store to buy from when some related information is lacking, when they are not familiar with a product, and when information about purchase context is lacking. Consumers often perceive price as an extrinsic quality cue. Several studies have searched consumer perception of price as an indicator of quality, and many of these have shown price to act on this manner. The argument behind this assumption is that: (a) Producing quality goods require sophisticated machineries that cost more and increase prices, (b) Manufacturers use high quality raw materials to produce quality products, and (c) It is unlikely that a product with low quality will be charged more in this competitive world But consumer markets of most products are highly price sensitive. Some brands of same quality are charged lower compared to other brands because of competition available in the market as marketing strategy or just because of that the supplier of that brand has some competitive advantages over distribution of its products (like wholesalers or chain supermarkets). In both ways, consumers are most likely to be influenced by perceived price, for choosing a chain superstore over a departmental store. Therefore, the following hypothesis is drawn based on the above reasoning: H4: Price persuades the customers’ decision to choose a soft drink Influence of Product availability Product availability is a very important construct for evaluating consumers’ purchase-decision making. Shoppers want to make their shopping easier and quicker, and they do not want to visit multiple stores to complete their weekly shop. Nearby department stores can store less number of SKUs (stock keeping units) while chain superstores can store in bulk amounts since they are comparatively much larger in size. And the variety of products is also much higher in superstores. They not only keep grocery items, but also products of wet markets (vegetables, meats, fishes, etc.) as well as a vast array of other household, personal care, and miscellaneous products. For example, at any point in time, there are nearly 20,000 different products available at stores of Agora while Nandan has capacity of displaying 22,000 items at a time. They also provide the latest and unique items of different products much before those could reach the retail department stores. And since these superstores have several branches at different locations, they definitely give the consumers to avail the benefits of high product availability. Therefore, when customers are looking for purchasing several types of products together, they are highly influenced by this extrinsic cue of product availability. H5: Product availability does reinforce the customers’ to choose a soft drink. 3. 2 Data Collection This was the critical part of the whole research process. The researcher had to carefully plan the whole data collection process and the success of the whole report depended on the precise execution of that detailed plan. The primary data source was the principle methodology used for this research. All the members of the group will collect the data conducting personal interviews. The questionnaire will contain several questions with close and open ends accommodation additional queries for understanding the opinion of the respondents and having an insight into the matter. 3. 3 Data Analysis After collecting data, a comprehensive screening process followed. Incomplete and biased data stored out and deleted from the data bank. Both descriptive and inferential statistics used in the analysis. We use two types software to analyze the data. The software’s are: SPSS Microsoft Excel Descriptive statistics will be used to depict the specific situation of specific aspects relating to choosing a soft drink. Factors analysis will be performed to identify the factor of choosing a soft drink. Correlation between the factors and age, gender, level of income and occupation will be identified to know the relationship. In order to explore relationship with the overall influence factors, multiple regression analysis will be preferred with the factors. Through this research and statistics analysis we had tried to find the demographic factors of the target market, their likings and decisions regarding purchasing juice. We also tried to find the reliability analysis of the data, mean of the independent and dependent variables and regression analysis to go to the findings of this research report. It gives the total picture of the target market based on demographic, socio-economic factors. Through this we will be able to measure about the age group, average monthly income, favorite programs and the important issue that influence them to purchase juice of the target customer. This is totally based on the survey that we have done. 4. 0 Limitations. For preparing this report we have several limitations for gathering appropriate information and other related issues. Our limitations are: Generally the customers are posh people. They are also busy people. So taking interview of them is really a big task. Sometimes they did not realize the questions and could not provide information. If a larger number of respondents were surveyed it would have been possible to get more accurate data about the consumer’s preference. So our analysis may not be reliable. There are may have some error in our research. Like, research error, interviewer error, data analysis error, etc. Since it was a very short period of time, we weren’t able to collect more data to acquire deep understanding. 5. 0 References Business Research Methods, 8th edition written by W. G. Zikmund â€Å"Marketing Research – an applied orientation† 5th edition written by Naresh K. Malhotra Business Research Methods written by D. R. Coopers and P. S. Schindler Appendix Questionnaire We are the students of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) enrolled in Business Research Methodology course. As per the requirement of course, a questionnaire has developed to investigate about factors regarding the customers’ consideration in choosing soft drinks. Regarding this objective we humbly requesting you to contribute in survey by marking this script. We assure you that the provided data will be used only for academic purposes. 1. Do you drink soft drinks? Yes No 2. How frequently do you purchase soft drinks? Once in a day Once in a week Once in a month Others (Please specify)†¦ 3. What is your age? Less than 20 years 20 to 30 years 30 to 40 years 40 to 50 years Above 50 years 4. What is your occupation? Service holder (govt. / private/ multinational) Businessman (Entrepreneur/ Intrapreneur) Student (high school/undergraduate/graduate) Homemaker Others (Please specify)†¦ 5. What is the average monthly income of your family? Less than 10,000 10,000Tk. to less than 20,000Tk. 20,000Tk. to less than 30,000Tk. 30,000Tk. to less than 40,000Tk. 40,000Tk. and above 6. When do you watch TV? During 12 AM- 6 AM During 6 AM – 2 PM During 2 PM-7 PM During 7 PM-12 AM 7. What do you do during leisure? Watching TV Fishing Hang out with friends Reading books Sports activities Others (Please specify)†¦ 8. Which media do you prefer? TV channel FM radio Newspaper & magazine Bill board ad Others (Please specify)†¦. 9. Which of the following factors influence the most of my purchase of soft drinks? Purchase of soft drinks Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Brand image Price Availability Taste Quality 10. Place your agreement level with the statements below: Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree I find the product (Soft Drink) of my choice always available. I consider Product Availability before going to a purchase the soft drink The Product unavailability creates negative impact on my purchase. I consider the products (soft drink) taste before purchasing any soft drink I consider the products (soft Drink) taste is the most important factor in purchasing the soft drink I think high price always ensures the high quality. Price of soft drink is important factor to me before deciding to buy any soft drink I find the price of the soft drinks available in our country affordable I consider Brand Image while purchasing soft drinks I think the Brand Image of soft drinks indicates my social status I think High Brand Image ensures high quality products.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethical Issues in Businesses Today Essay

Ethical issues in businesses today There are a million ethical issues in today’s businesses and unfortunately there is no perfect decision measurement for all these ethical issues in business. The ethical issues in international businesses are much more complicated and much more delicate, along with being tenfold in numbers. According to Wiley (1995), â€Å"ethics is concerned with moral obligation, responsibility, and social Justice. † She goes on to say that â€Å"ethics reflects the character of the individual and more con temporarily per haps, the character of the business firm, which is a collection of individuals. Mauro et all, 1999) It is evident that ethics play such a crucial role in businesses if we consider the instances like the â€Å"Enron company’s ethical break down†. Not only in â€Å"Enron†, but Dilemmas involving discrimination, harassment, fraud, contractual breaches, favouritism and consistent policies regarding pay, rewards and discipline are common occurrences in many organizations. (Hartel, C. E. J, Fujimoto, Y, 2010) â€Å"Industry Wide Ethical Issues in Business Following is a list of industry wide ethical issues in businesses. The problem with these ethical issues in business is that they are not only really routine and frequent ut they are also more wide-spread Bribing powerful officials in order to get bids and tenders accepted and bribing competitor employees to get informational leaks is a serious ethical issue in business. In fact, it is a crime that is legally punishable in most countries today. Labor related issues like gender discrimination at workplace, employee harassment, minority community participation, working conditions and child labor are also some general ethical issues in busines

Monday, July 29, 2019

Erik Peterson integrative case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Erik Peterson integrative analysis - Case Study Example This lead to conflicts especially because some team members did not like seeing others progress. A case in point was between Wescott and Burns. They always had issues within themselves since Wescott never appreciated Burns ideas and suggestions. Green did not see Peterson as capable of meeting the demands of the task, Cantor considered Peterson as misinformed. These two attitudes from Green and Carton made Peterson avoid interfering with their work on KOL though KOL meant a lot to his marketing mandate. Working with an inexperienced team Andrew lack of flexibility and resourcefulness was a major drawback for Peterson especially now that he needed an individual he could rely on in the operations docket. This made Peterson to be derailed in delivering Biometra device within the given timeline. Lack of procedures and policies There were no clear structures on salary increment and promotion in SciMat. Having been given a general management position without experience in management caused him resentment from his managers like Andrew and Miczek who had more experience than he did. Lack of policies and procedures on salary increment also lead to Miczeks and Wescott salary problems. This set Peterson at an uncomfortable situation as he tried to work on standardizing the salaries. External problems Operating problems The relationship between Biometra and key opinion leaders was dependent on potential early adopters. This was a high-risk that was later felt when management turnover created uneasiness among the targeted KOL who feared being associated with any potential issues that could ruin their reputation. The Vice president’s derailed operation was also a problem to Peterson since it risked him loosing the KOLs he... The paper describes how effective has Peterson been in taking charge of the Hanover startup in terms of managing the new operation amd of providing leadership. It also shows what actions should Peterson take to turn the situation around and prepare for his meeting with Chip Knight. Human resources management is mandated with the task of hiring, firing, promoting, and creating salary structures. However, in SciMat it seems like any manger can perform the four mentioned HR duties as they so wish. This was the main cause of salary and promotion issues that Peterson faced as a General Manger. There was no clear policy and procedure to be taken when promoting an employee and increasing an employee’s salary. The same cause lead to a people owning positions they did not have deserve in terms of their qualifications. This caused some subordinates to work under people who could not give them proper guidance on what was expected of them.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Genders at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Genders at work - Essay Example t like the article of tools for resolving conflicts, Ury, offers simple and elegant ways of creating agreement in difficult situations from the conflicts of the family to worldwide wars (Goodwin & Griffith, 2007). The story of Ury guides us on how to resolve conflicts and wars. According to the article, sharing stories is regarded as an effective instrument for social justice and peace. This relates to a William piece of work where he negotiated peace in worldwide conflicts and choosing various stories that will make a difference globally. The article focusses on the negotiation psychology as a principled negotiation that is important in finding acceptable solutions by finding the needs that are fixed and flexible to negotiators. Just like in the Ury’s speech the tools effectively for conflict resolution include separating people from problems, focusing on interest not positions, working together in creating opinions that will satisfy the two parties, and negotiating successfully with those who are more powerful, refusing to play by the rules or resorting to dirty tricks (Goodwin & Griffith,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I love you Rosa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I love you Rosa - Essay Example An 11-year old Jewish boy’s love for his young, widowed sister-in-law! A writer-director can do more justice to the strength and originality of the movie than a professional director. For, a writer-director puts his heart and soul of the story, in the minutest details of direction. A religious theme has been tackled in a professional style without bias, fear or favor. He doesn’t bind the viewer and causes stress, with tension-producing interpretations, of religious revelations. â€Å"His story, unfolded mostly through a flashback, derives from the tenets in Deuteronomy on the duty of a man to marry his brothers widow as well as those involving the widows rights if shes refused. His hero, even under ancient law, is too young to marry, but he jumps at the chance to live with the sister-in-law he adores despite the opposition of his family and the taunts and attacks of friends and neighbors.† (Movie Review†¦.) The strongest character is the determined widow. Notwithstanding the ridicule and criticism she faces by the community leaders, she sticks to her position, she understands the affection of the 11 year young boy, but rejects him as her husband. Rosa, who has a progressive outlook, is not interested in either child-rearing or remarriage. Her rejection is strong and humiliating for the boy as she shoos him away. The boy still loves her and his sacrifice for his love is genuine, (they say, true love doesn’t expects to be loved back), he frees her from her religious commitment. In the end, she decides to marry him. The main characters in the movie are, Michal Bat-Adam, is the stalwart Roza, Gabi Otterman does the role of the boy torn apart and confused by tough and difficult-to-challenge religious beliefs. Avner Chezkiyahu is the understanding and affectionate rabbi, Yosef Shiloah is the widow’s suitor and the boy’s employer, who is trying to take undue advantage in a difficult

Design patterns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design patterns - Research Paper Example The observer design pattern highlights a one-to-many reliance between a subject object and any amount of server objects. This is significant when the subject object alters situation, all its observer objects will not be updated and notified instinctively (Butler, 2012). The observer design pattern is also used when the subject object is not aware of the number of observer objects present. Finally, it is used if the subject object is required to inform its observer objects without being aware of the nature of the objects. Advantages First, the observer pattern is a terrific way of maintaining action based applications in significant architectures. In a given application, an individual may have a large number of events taking place at the same time in a browser session. Second, a person may reduce event attachment and enable the observable object to deal with the actions on your behalf using a sole event listener and pass on the information to different subscribers, thus lessening spee ding up connection and memory performance. Third, the dynamic link between observer and subject may be instituted at run time. This provides extra programming flexibility. Fourth, there is support for broad communication. The notice is transmitted involuntarily to the interested objects that may subscribe to it (Madsen, 2012). Disadvantages One, there is a lot of cost incurred in load time when installing the observable objects. Two, there are unanticipated updates. Observers are not aware of one another and are oblivious to the cost of alteration in subject. Three, the update dependence may be difficult to discover due to the dynamic association between observers and subject (Madsen, 2012). Creational Pattern: Prototype Creational design patterns refer to design patterns that handle object creation mechanisms, attempting to develop objects in a way fitting to the situation. The prototype design pattern identifies the form of object to develop utilizing a prototypical instance, and develops novel objects through cloning the prototype. The prototype design pattern is used to elude the intrinsic cost of developing a novel object in the conventional way when it is prohibitively costly for a specified application (Chandler & Munday, 2012). In addition, the prototype design pattern is utilized to avert subclasses of an object designer in the application of the client, in the same way as the abstract factory pattern. Advantages One, the prototype design pattern establishes a profound copy of the complicated hierarchy of objects. The prototype design pattern assists in lessening the work given all objects in the composition can enforce ICloneable interface. This is an essential design pattern in copying objects, for example, trees. Two, the design pattern causes a decreased load of initialization. All novel objects developed using the clone technique highlights the precise object form of the initial object (Proctor, 2011). The need of initialization may be tremendous ly lessened by utilizing the prototype design pattern. It allows an individual to develop a clone of the original object developed in the application to readily have the objects initialized to the default or non-default state. Three, the design pattern causes a simplified process of copying objects. Since copying the object is conducted recursively by calling the clone tech

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis between eBay and Research Proposal

Analysis between eBay and - Research Proposal Example at these goods not only include books, clothes, electronics, machinery, tickets or vehicles but also the daily groceries almost completely erasing the need to go to a superstore (Borade, 2008). The massive development of the ecommerce sector owes full credit to the two giants, eBay Inc. and; two of the first Internet shopping companies. These websites sell all kinds of products including vehicles, equipment, machinery, clothing, toys, gadgets, computers, and books. They not only sell products directly to customers but also act as intermediates for companies such as IBM or Bed Bath & Beyond, and third parties who sell their products through these websites. Moreover, they are also affiliated with other companies; for instance, eBay is affiliated with PayPal, a global money transfer organization (History of Ecommerce, 2004). Although both eBay and Amazon are online shopping companies, their business models are quite different from each other. This is due to the fact that they were based on entirely different concepts. At the time Amazon was created, it was simply an online bookstore. Precisely speaking, the company used to sell books owned by itself. And with the passage of time, Amazon increased the variety of products sold on the website, which initially included CDs, mp3 players, and other electronic gadgets. On the other hand, eBay was initiated as an online auction company as well as a shopping website for all kinds of goods, ranging from clothes to electronics. EBay did not auction or sell products owned by itself but rather acted as an intermediary for various companies or random sellers to sell their products through the eBay website (Online Auction, 2005). However, due to the current financial crisis both companies have changed their course of action in order to survive in the Internet shopping industry. Amazon has started inviting small-scale sellers to list their products in the website, just like eBay. Meanwhile, eBay has started fixed price

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Implications of Organisational Identification Essay

Implications of Organisational Identification - Essay Example A clear and meaningful strategy supported by the staff is a key component of organization’s functional efficiency and financial success, if the organization is a for-profit business. So, the question managers frequently ask themselves is how to achieve that state of business performance when the company is totally supported by its employees in all of its goals and urges. Devotion, loyalty, hard work, passion and efficiency is what each business wishes to see in its employees. However, it is not always easy to hire or bring up employees that feel themselves as a part of the company. Still, a potential solution exists. The concept of organizational identification is what can help an employer to achieve such a goal. Since organizational identification is a rather important aspect of organizational behaviour, the goal of this paper is to research and analyse various aspect of organizational identification. In particular, the given work will present the concept of organizational id entification in relation to employees’ performance, business communication and corporate social responsibility. Body According to Dutton, Dukerich and Harquail (1994, 240), organizational identification refers to how a person perceives one’s own identity and self-concept in relation to organizational identity. It means that organizational identification is about how an individual sees oneself in the organization, how organizational goals and strategies are aligned with those of the individual. So, it can be said that organizational identification is the degree to which employees associate themselves with the employing organization, as well as what common attributes the organization and the individual have. Belonging to a certain group, such as family, race, sex, company or society, for instance, forms social identity of an individual – that is person’s knowledge and feeling of belonging to some social group (Tajfel 1972, 31). On the other hand, individual s are the ones who help such groups to survive. The positive effect of person’s feeling as a part of some group is in-group favouritism (Bartels 2006, 1). Such favouritism leads to individual’s being cooperative towards other members of the group, singling that group out, and showing corporate citizenship behaviour in an organization. So, in relation to corporate environment, such in-group favouritism is called organizational identification. Mael and Ashforth (1992, 104) define organizational identification as person’s â€Å"perception of oneness with or belongingness to an organization, where the individual defines him or herself in terms of the organization(s) of which he or she is a member† (Mael and Ashforth 1992, 104). The resent studies prove that strong and positive organizational identification has a very positive impact on organizational behaviour and performance. In particular, employees with positive organizational identification show better pe rformance, lower absenteeism, and higher levels of job satisfaction (Riketta and van Dick 2005, 490). For that reason it might be suggested that companies devote more attention to the level and state of their employees’ organizational identification. This will improve individual performance of the people, as well as the performance of the whole organization. A research conducted by Efraty and Wolfe in 1988 tends to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Importance of Customer Care Service and the Effect of It on Our Essay

The Importance of Customer Care Service and the Effect of It on Our Culture and Society - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that most people would agree with the fact that customer service accounts for one of the most important component of an organization’s overall business strategy. Without customers organizations cannot go forward to continue their businesses. Every organization generally has the thought that they provide good customer service; however, inadequacy of certain necessary steps to ensure this can make the situation far worse than their present perceptions. However, the commitment towards customer service must begin at the top and trickle down towards the lower levels of the organization. It is crucial that business leaders buy into the fat they are not only required to meet customer expectations but must also strive to gain excellence in the domain. For this it is important that they must create an organizational culture which strives to understand, execute and implement high quality customer service in the system. In today’s world of cut throat competition, organizations regard high quality service customer service as a prerequisite for having an extra edge over competitors. When customers are not satisfied with the service provided by a company they have ample choice to choose from another company. Initiative from the top management coupled with proper training and development program, a company would be successful in developing a culture which is conductive and embraces excellent customer services. Proper training and development program is an excellent way of creating a culture in which employees understand organizations; expectations of them whole interacting with customers. The need for customer feedback for tracking and measuring business performance through the level of service is considered to be equally importance. The present assignment seeks to bring forth critical analysis regarding the use and importance of customer care services in organizations. This is done in the light of previous research on the subject, empirical evidences and examples of such electronic companies such as Apple and Samsung. It brings forth the impacts of such services in these organizations o their businesses and customer perceptions. The importance of customer care service and the effect of it on our culture and society- Critical Analysis The present study synthesizes and builds on efforts for conceptualizing the impacts of quality, value and satisfaction on the behavioural intentions of customers. The study depicts recent advancement made in the areas of customer care services in organizations in the light of service marketing theories and also puts forth notable findings on the subject. One of the key features noted by researchers to stay competitive in the market is to deliver a product or level of service which is unique or, which distinguishes the company’s business from the others. The idea is to draw a distinct line between one’s own services from that of the other firms. This mu st be in terms of catering to customers’ needs and requirements, maintaining quality of the services and also providing after sales services to customers. Extensive research has been conducted on the subject and they typically are of the opinion that customer satisfaction can have a positive opinion on the profitability of an organization. Because of this reason, the reasons for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction must always be considered. Research shows a positive correlation between customer satisfaction, loyalty and customer retention. Thus the three aspects of satisfaction, loyalty and retention are some of the key factors on which organizational success depends (Singh, 2006, p.1). According to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research paper on emily dickinson with some analysis of her work Essay

Research paper on emily dickinson with some analysis of her work - Essay Example Her poems were marked by very close descriptions of inspirational moments, and moments of happiness. Most of here poems centered around ideas of death and immortality. Her works received severe criticism in the late 19th and early 20th century, but she is now considered as a major American poet by most (Bloom, 9). Before 1861: Only five poems have been dated to be written before 1858 (Pickard, 20). These are more conventional in nature than her later works, and are based on subjects like valentines, her feared of loss of friendship, her missing of her brother. Dickinson’s work showcases her artistic prowess and is centered around a variety of themes. She is often regarded as a transcendentalist as she was deeply inspired by works of Emerson. Her poems had a very intelligent usage of humor, sarcasm, irony, and satire (Wolff, 171). Some of the major themes that can be seen her works include: Morbidity: This theme of her characterized by her interest with topics like illness, dying and death. Her poems describe death by many methods: drowning, hanging, suffocation, premature burial, stabbing and so on. Her sharpest work came in the form of â€Å"death blow from the GOD† and â€Å"funeral in the brain†. These works reflect the starving characteristic of her personality. Her most complex work is based on the principle of death of self because of the loss of hunger for life. Flowers and gardens: Poems written in the early period of her life were characterized by an intelligent blending of her poetry with a bouquet. Farr (1-7) notes that she associates some flowers like the gentians and anemones to youth and humility; while others with prudence and insight. Examples of such work by her include: "My nosegays are for Captives –  / Dim – long expectant eyes –  / Fingers denied the plucking,  / Patient till Paradise –  / To such, if they shd

Monday, July 22, 2019

Genetically Modified Food is bad Essay Example for Free

Genetically Modified Food is bad Essay The debate on whether genetically modified foods are safe for human consumption is marked with controversy in the political, social, academic, and economic fronts of our community. Proponents of genetically modified foods claim that it is the only viable solution to the food insecurity problem that is eminent in the global community (Roth, 2000). Some scientific research findings have claimed that genetically modified foods have substantial levels of safety for human consumption. Nevertheless, the long term health safety of genetically modified foods has never been confirmed (Atherton, 2002). Despite the numerous claims made by proponents of genetically modified foods, there has been not concrete evidence to qualify such claim, a factor that makes consumption of such foods a risk to the human health. Genetically modified foods have been evidently closely associated with some long term health complications (Atherton, 2002). According to available statistical evidence, the global community is witnessing an increase in the occurrences of terminal diseases such as obesity. This trend has been closely attributed to the ever increasing usage of genetically modified foods in the community (Roth, 2000). Records have shown that thousands of thousands of Americans have fallen victims of obesity. Indeed, this health problem has become an issue of national concern in the American society. According to scientist, the problem has been escalated by the common trends of Americans in using fast foods. This is because, such foods lack fiber components, which are crucial to the human body. Another reason given is that such foods contain high levels of energy, which are usually not necessary to the body. Therefore, genetically modified foods are no doubt a leading cause of the increasing numbers of obese people in the community. Although numerous scientific research finding claim substantial health safety for the consumption of genetically modified foods, no search has been conducted to qualify the potential long term health risk brought by such foods (Karlsson, 2003). It has been established that gene modification can result into totally different type of gene whose impact in the human body can not be predicted. Based on this reasoning it is certain that genetically modified foods cannot be claimed safe unless sufficient research has been conducted. Still on the question of safety is the fact that modified genes are commonly made using denatured toxins, which serve to make the foods more robust to infections (Roth, 2000). According to scientific claims, these toxins are in essence poisonous to the human body cells upon long term accumulation (Roth, 2000). In fact this is what has been identified as potential allergens in genetically modified foods which make some people susceptible to their consumption. In conclusion therefore, genetically modified foods are a potential risk to the sustainable health of the human community. We are no doubt experiencing the impact such have from the ever increasing illnesses such as cases of obesity in the community. Since the question of the long term safety of these foods to the human body are significantly eminent, biotechnology products should be regarded as an issue of concern for the long term social and economic development of the community. Just as is rightly claimed, with the available natural resources and modern technological advancements, the world is capable of supplying its population with sufficient food (Roth, 2000). Therefore, any claim of genetically modified foods being the only solution to the world food security is misleading. It only serves as an indication of ignorance and lack of concern for the sustainable future of the human community. References Atherton, K. (2002). Genetically Modified Crops: Assessing Safety. London: Taylor Francis. Karlsson, M. (2003). Biosafety Principles for GMOs in the Context of Sustain. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 10, 12-43. Roth, G. (2000). Between the Rows: Sideline View of the GMO Debate. Retrieved January 17, 2010, from http://biotech. cas. psu. edu/articles/between_the_rows. htm

Code of Ethics Essay Example for Free

Code of Ethics Essay A) Create a business of open and honest communication- Everyone should feel comfortable to speak his or hers mind. No one should be afraid to ask questions or speak up when they think something is wrong. B) Health and Safety- Having a healthy and safe business will make everyone feel comfortable. We should always maintain a healthy environment. Treat the office as if it was you home. C) Gift, Gratuities, and Business Courtesies- We are not allowed to accept money or any gifts over . 00. We are here to help and provide for our clients. Every clients should be treated the same. Certain gifts we can accept like calendars, pens, mugs, and key chains. D) Meals, Refreshments, and Entertainments- We may accept meals, refreshments and entertainment from vendors or clients as long as they are not inappropriately lavish or excessive. E) Accountability- Each person will be responsible for knowing and adhering to the values and standards set forth is this code and for raising questions if we are uncertain about company policy. F) Be Loyal (Confidential and Proprietary information)- Everything in our business will stay in our business. No one should give out personal information on our clients or any of our employees. Confidential and proprietary information includes such things as pricing and financial data, customer names/addresses or nonpublic information about other companies, including current or potential supplier and vendors.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sociological Theories of the Family Essay

Sociological Theories of the Family Essay Sociological theories are usually thought of as, systematic sets of ideas and statements about the social world that aim to make sense of the social world. {}. The conclusions drawn from empirical observation and testing help individuals and society to be improved in the ways they lead their lives in this world. This essay is going to explain three mostly commonly mentioned sociological theories of the family which are Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism. Functionalists believe that each part of society has a function, and they are very positive about society so they always see the good in all things. By looking at society on a large scale they argue that society is based on consensus, meaning that we are socialised to agree on the norms and values in order to survive. Functionalists believe that the family should be seen to perform functions which benefit both its members and society in general. According to Murdock (1949), the family is a universal institution with universal functions. {Haralambos M Langley P. (2003) page 76}. In other words, families are found in all societies regardless of for example culture differences. Functions performed universally are; reproduction which keeps the human race, primary socialisation which teaches children the norms and values of society, economic and educational. Functionalists believe that the following functions are important for the wellbeing of society. Murdock strongly believes that the nuclear family represents all the above functions and he argues that no adequate substitute can replace it. In other words all other family structures are damaging to society. However, Marxists refuse the functionalists views. They are very negative about the society we live in and see the bad in everything. They believe there will be a revolution, because of their belief that society is being dominated by the ruling class, therefore because of the working class being exploited they will get rid of the ruling class and capitalism. They believe in equality though their main interest is on capitalist societies such as; Britain, Western Europe and America. Their main argument is that institutions such as families are shaped by the requirements of capitalism and serve to support and maintain it. Main emphasis is on the nuclear family, Marxists argue that female have no rights and that men have all the power. Marxists believe that society is based on differences between the working class and ruling class. The family makes it easier to uphold class differences in society as the rich can be able to give their children a good beginning in life than the poor, for example by paying for good education and getting them good jobs either in their own business or their friends businesses, whereas the unemployed and poor families would struggle in those terms. Marxists believe the family socialises the working class to believe that it is normal that the classes are not the same. Feminists on the other hand see the family as patriarchal (all is dominated by men); some of them are negative about society. They look at society on a large scale, and they do generalise their ideas about males and female to the whole society. Overall they see the family as one of the main areas in which women are oppressed by men. They argue that domestic labour is done by women, regardless of being in employment or not. Women make the main contributions to the family life, men receive the main benefits. (Delphy Leonard, 1992) {Haralambos M Langley P. (2003) page 80} Feminists believe the family is bad for women, they argue that units like the nuclear family influence girls and boys to learn their different gender roles within the family through socialisation. Mothers are role models to the girls who learn all house chores, whilst boys learn from their fathers, to do male duties. They then gain knowledge of how male and female roles should be. The purpose of the family is to reinforce the dominant position of men within a patriarchal society. The nuclear family is not an ideal family according to the feminist, lone parent families especially those headed by women are seen as the ideal families. Overall, the family unit today has changed since the time of Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism, however, they are relevant issues to some part of family life for example; roles of men and women are different because of anatomy. Men cannot physically be pregnant so they can go to work without any ties on the other hand women are biologically designed to have children. Marxism and Functionalism would agree with this statement. However feminists say this should not jeopardise womens right to work, it could be agreed with what feminists say that women can have children and work but should balance looking after their children with employment. Haralambos M Langley P. (2003) Sociology in Focus Causeway Press

Saturday, July 20, 2019

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present :: English Literature

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later helped him to become the writer he always wanted to be. In 1787he wrote for the European magazine. In 1970 Wordsworth had an affair with a French girl who inspired him to write poetry but he still kept a close contact with his natural surroundings. Some of wordsworths best poems were under the title of The Prelude which was made up of Philosophical autobiographical poems in 1778 completed in 1805 but only only became published in 1850 also whilst on a trip in Germany he was inspired by nature and its natural surroundings to write more poems. Later on in life Wordsworth abandoned his radical ideas and became a patriotic, conservative public man. He then died in 1850. William Blake was born in 1957. Blake grew up in London and spent most of his life there, been educated by his mother .Not only did he become a poet but he was also a painter visionary mystic and an engraver he also printed his own books. Blake proclaimed the supremacy of the imagination over treating reason as the basic of belief and knowledge of the 18th century but failed to understand how shadowed his career actually was. Later on he experienced visions of angels and ghostly monks. He had his first book of poems in 1783 called poetical sketches and was followed by songs of innocence and songs of experience. His most famous poem was â€Å"The Tyger† as he wrote from a child’s understanding of London, Blake lived a prosperous life he didn’t leave himself any debts at the end of his career or life in 1827. William Wordsworth view of London is good as he looks at the beauty of the town and describes what the town is like using positive vocabulary which makes the poem sound strong also it helps you to visualise its surroundings. When I read this poem it made me feel that nothing could get as beautiful as London could as he sees it for what is made of â€Å"the fairest site on earth† and makes you want to be there as it sounds like a â€Å"grand† place to be.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Human Brain Essay -- Health, Diseases, Brain Damage

The human brain is a big, intricate—yet delicate, structure in the human body. It is the key structure in cognitive function. Any damage to the brain does not only â€Å"erase† memories but also may â€Å"deceive† the brain to erroneously remember a new object as being familiar (2010). The innovative researchers at Cambridge University investigated this phenomenon in their research on The Paradoxial False Memory for Objects after Brain Damage. The publication began by stating the widely acceptable premise that medial temporal lobe damage results in the inability to remember new experiences soon after they are learned. They indicated that the general belief is that this occurs because the ability to remember such information becomes compromised after a short period of time. They therefore deduced based on this premise that such information or experiences are either lost or become inaccessible to the extent that when such experiences are presented and re-experienced, they appear as if they are new or never have been learned. They therefore set out to explore this premise by using the generally used model of memory impairment, the â€Å"the standard object recognition memory model.† According to James Hampton, a well-renowned Professor of Cognitive Psychology at City University London, â€Å"recognition is the process of matching a perceptual representation of the stimulus item [into] stored representations of previously [exposed] stimuli† (2003). This stored information is known as structural representations based on the visual-spatial nature of the retained information (Moss and Hampton, 2003). â€Å"Object recognition memory is the ability to discriminate the familiarity of previously encountered objects† (Gaskins et al., 2009). The standard object ... ...indings from the simulation were valid because animals that suffered damage to the perirhinal cortex saw novel objects as familiar. Based on the support of these simulations and their laboratory findings, I agree with the notion â€Å"that object recognition memory impairments does not result from damage to the memory system. Rather brain damage that results in such impairments only compromises only a [precise] type of complex stimulus representation† (McTighe et al., 2010). Such may be the case of individuals with cortical brain damage such amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease based the combination of perirhinal lesions and object recognition impairments similar to the findings in this research. However in order to evaluation between and the paradoxical phenomenon, more research is needed and further representation-hierarchical simulation testing must be performed on humans. The Human Brain Essay -- Health, Diseases, Brain Damage The human brain is a big, intricate—yet delicate, structure in the human body. It is the key structure in cognitive function. Any damage to the brain does not only â€Å"erase† memories but also may â€Å"deceive† the brain to erroneously remember a new object as being familiar (2010). The innovative researchers at Cambridge University investigated this phenomenon in their research on The Paradoxial False Memory for Objects after Brain Damage. The publication began by stating the widely acceptable premise that medial temporal lobe damage results in the inability to remember new experiences soon after they are learned. They indicated that the general belief is that this occurs because the ability to remember such information becomes compromised after a short period of time. They therefore deduced based on this premise that such information or experiences are either lost or become inaccessible to the extent that when such experiences are presented and re-experienced, they appear as if they are new or never have been learned. They therefore set out to explore this premise by using the generally used model of memory impairment, the â€Å"the standard object recognition memory model.† According to James Hampton, a well-renowned Professor of Cognitive Psychology at City University London, â€Å"recognition is the process of matching a perceptual representation of the stimulus item [into] stored representations of previously [exposed] stimuli† (2003). This stored information is known as structural representations based on the visual-spatial nature of the retained information (Moss and Hampton, 2003). â€Å"Object recognition memory is the ability to discriminate the familiarity of previously encountered objects† (Gaskins et al., 2009). The standard object ... ...indings from the simulation were valid because animals that suffered damage to the perirhinal cortex saw novel objects as familiar. Based on the support of these simulations and their laboratory findings, I agree with the notion â€Å"that object recognition memory impairments does not result from damage to the memory system. Rather brain damage that results in such impairments only compromises only a [precise] type of complex stimulus representation† (McTighe et al., 2010). Such may be the case of individuals with cortical brain damage such amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease based the combination of perirhinal lesions and object recognition impairments similar to the findings in this research. However in order to evaluation between and the paradoxical phenomenon, more research is needed and further representation-hierarchical simulation testing must be performed on humans.

student :: essays research papers

Organizations have long sought to provide employees with consolidated desktop access to the various applications, business processes, and sources (both technology and human) required to perform knowledge-based work. But as recently as five years ago, the desktop environment was still woefully inadequate to this task. The ability to access aggregated enterprise information on-demand required a more reflective, process-centric model of desktop computing-that is, if someone were to look over your shoulder as you work, would their view of your desktop reflect the nature of the work (i.e., the business processes) in which you're engaged? The classic desktop computing interface did not allow this kind of on-demand access-much of the integration between information, enterprise apps, and business process still occurred in the "gray matter" between the ears of knowledge workers. The enterprise information portal (EIP) addresses this need.. At their core functional level, EIPs are all about access-a single point of personalized, on-line access to business information and knowledge sources, as well as, increasingly, real-time access to core applications and processes. Key enabling technologies here include advances in security (including sophisticated directory/authentication services), the proliferation of "portlets" or "gadgets" (API-like chunks of code for plugging enterprise apps into the portal), as well as the maturation and widespread adoption of XML (for "active" or "intelligent" content). As the technology behind portals evolves, so do the ways in which enterprises are using enterprise portals to achieve their business goals. Originally adopted by small departments and subsets of employees, the portal concept has expanded to encompass virtually all employees as well as the extended organization's partners and su ppliers. Enterprise portals are reaching all the way out to individual customers, providing them with a personalized view of the organization or enterprise.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ebonics and Education Essay

A Persuasive Research Paper on the Why Education Should Pave Way for Ebonics All a person needs to do is turn on the television or browse the Internet to see the proof that there are very important changes in the society. Among those changes is how the use of language increased and how its forms have greatly grown. With much slang, dialects and language transformation and combinations, the number of languages all over the world and not just in the United States, have significantly grown larger and bigger. However, the question of whether this continuous dynamic change in languages is for the better remains to be seen. This is because, though languages have changed and grown, problems caused by miscommunication and misunderstandings are still rampant and present. Although language and all its combinations with other languages aimed to bridge the gap between nations and cultures, different people with different origins and speech are still unable to bridge that gap. There are still many issues concerning the cropping up and usage of new languages. Most common among those is the problem that languages which are combined or which undergo a linguistic blend tends to be disruptive of formal, correct and grammatical language. A simple example would be those music videos which feature artists that combine and contract structure of words to make the song more likeable or even more attuned to the rhythm of the song. However, this has a negative effect as people, most especially young adults and children, become familiar with such language usage to the point that they begin to emulate them. Such debate has long been the topic in educational boards and institutions of whether they should correct and put stop to such language usage or encourage such exchange of words since clearly, the young are affected. In fact, Ebonics or Black English or African American English has become such a heated topic when it was quite obvious that there is a problem among the academics of African American students because they have such low grades and low performance levels that could be attributed to the usage of Ebonics. Many people sided against and for the encouragement of Ebonics. Study after study ensued to prove that Ebonics was an important and integral part of the many pupils and students since that is the language they actually use while others also discouraged its usage. Through this paper, it can be argued that Ebonics is not a mere slang which African American students can do without and that it is not something which should be corrected just because it is seen as ungrammatical. Instead, what the educational boards and institutions should do is cater to their learners and use Ebonics to implement knowledge transfer among their pupils and students and eventually make them learn and use Standard English. Ebonics is formally known as African American English or AAE according to the Center for Applied Linguistics (n. p. ). It is a kind of sociolect or social dialect where it is often used by people who are of African American origins in particular surroundings or situations. The difference of Ebonics with American English is its structure wherein African dialects and sounds are combined, blended, mixed with American English. American English is also sometimes contracted with African dialects or sounds to be inserted within the contractions. Such example is presented by John R. Rickford in his discussion of Ebonics as presented in the Website of the Stanford University. In the example, Rickford uses a simple sentence which is grammatically correct: â€Å"I asked Alvin if he could go† (n. p. ). He then conveys the example to a student known to use Ebonics and the student gives his own version of the sentence: â€Å"I as’ Alvin could he–could he go† (Rickford, n. p. ). Ebonics is not the mere transformation of structure of words to ungrammatically correct versions. In fact, though not completely grammatically acceptable, Ebonics is still considered a structured and coherent dialect. As what the Center for Applied Linguistics or CAL states, â€Å"AAE (or Ebonics) is a regular, systematic language variety that contrasts with other dialects in terms of its grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary† (n. p. ). Thus, Ebonics is not wrong or incorrect, it is merely different and a contradiction with other languages, in this case, the language of American English or Standard English. The origin of Ebonics is unclear but the origins of why it became a topic of heated arguments and debate is quite known. Because nations cater to other nations, and migration and immigration (and even simple leisure travel) are inevitable, it is also natural that the language which people of different cultures use would also be transferred and assimilated by other people with other languages. According to Ladonna Lewis Rush’s argumentative paper on the Ebonics debate titled The Ebonics Debate, the origins of Ebonics can be explained by Smitherman who wrote in Talking and Testifyin: Black English and the Black Experience that: Black English contains elements of Standard English, elements of West African languages, and elements unique to African-Americans. The structure of speech in Ebonics can be analyzed and related to African language structures as well as to the black experience in America. (as cited by Rush, n. p. ) Thus, Ebonic came about because the African Americans needed the language which they could adapt to and use while in America who used American English for their communication. Like what the CAL stated, Smitherman and Rush also believe that Ebonics is not mere slang which is featured and used by African American music artists but it is considered as a distinct dialect all on its own. The concept of Ebonics must have been unknown to most people before the year 1996 but because of a certain state in America, Ebonics and everything related to the dialect and term suddenly exploded to the point that it became a topic of debate. According to Tracey L. Weldon in her write up titled Reflections on the Ebonics Controversy which appeared in American Speech, the Oakland Unified School District in California passed a resolution on the month of December year 2006 that â€Å"recognized the legitimacy of Ebonics† and it called â€Å"for teachers in the district to be better educated about the rules governing the variety (Ebonics)† with the aim that the teachers would be able to improve â€Å"the teaching of standard English to Ebonics speakers† (275). The issue sparked up debate after debate because linguists approved the resolution stating it was correct and adequate while Ebonics speakers and family members of African American origins complained that it was an obvious tactic of discrimination and identification of who were the students that does not have the ability to speak the â€Å"proper English† (Weldon 276). Ebonics and the usage of the dialect is quite obvious in the society as it can be heard from people in most social gatherings, informal meetings and even in the media. According to Rickford, many terms and structures in Ebonics are used by common people because of what they have learned from â€Å"rap, hip hop† and other means of â€Å"popular Black culture† (n. p. ). As what Rickford uses to describe this massive usage of Ebonics in popular Black culture, it becomes â€Å"an icon of youth culture itself† wherein young African Americans are immediately identified as being users of Ebonics. Since Ebonics is a mere means of communication among African Americans, then it should not be a great deal of a problem. However, unfortunately, the usage of the sociolect has become increasingly an issue most especially in educational institutions wherein grammatically correct and linguistically sound structure and vocabulary should be used and encouraged. Rush points out the case why Ebonics has become a problem among pupils and students in schools and this is because they manage to have poor academic standing and it was revealed that because of this dialect that the students have such appalling results. Rush writes in her paper that â€Å"language skills are directly related to success in academics† (n. p. ). This is obviously true since language is used to communicate and interact with other people. Poor language skills or inability to produce and understand the language would make it for one’s self and for other people to have a clear conversation and communication. It is also Rush who pointed out that African American students have a high rate of being suspended (around 80%) and that the students are â€Å"lagging behind in measures of academic success† (n. p. ). There was also an article which appeared on NEA Today that interviewed Lisa Delpit who is a professor an author that focused on Ebonics. In the interview, Delpit mentioned the reason why Ebonics is important and why the resolution passed by the school district was commendable: Most of the African-American children in Oakland were performing miserably. But one school, the Prescott School, consistently performed near the top of the district. Its students were all low-income African-American children. And it adopted a program called the Standard English Proficiency, which uses the children’s home language and culture to teach them Standard English. (17). If Ebonics will be used to relate to the students and slowly pave their learning for Standard English, then there is a high possibility that African Americans’ percentage of academically challenged students would significantly decrease. The question then is how does one go on solving such problem to ensure a fool proof way of solving the issue? This of course lies with the educational board and teachers. Teachers in formal schools teach Standard English because it something which society and the rest of the English speakers use. There is no problem with using Ebonics if it is outside professional and academic grounds; it is after all part of the African American culture. However, Standard English should be the language that is encouraged by the teachers to be used by their students because it would help them in the long run. Based on different discussions on the resolution passed by the school district of Oakland, the debate on whether Ebonics should be studied by the district’s teachers and used to pave the way to teach Standard English should not even be a topic of debate. This is because the debate started because of a mere misunderstanding about the resolution, another proof that language does not only bridge gaps it also creates them, when people saw Standard English as the only form of English that linguists identified as â€Å"proper English†. Linguistically speaking, there is indeed a Standard English as what Weldon has stated but the term â€Å"proper English† is incorrect since there is no wrong or right English. If it can be remembered, Ebonics is even identified as being a dialect that is structured thus, it is very much acceptable. In conclusion, the issue that Ebonics be used to gap and slowly push the learners toward Standard English (as aimed by the resolution) is created by the definition and need of the Standard English. Standard English is not the only English nor is it the only form of the language which is encouraged to be used; instead, Standard English is something which is needed to make all forms of English languages coherent and uniform in the sense that there would be no linguistically and communicatively wrongly structured words. It is the same case of having a one school uniform designated to students of a school to identify who are the members of that school or the generally approved legal age for drinking or voting or driving. There is a common factor which envelopes the entities of a school, a state or a nation. Standard English therefore is needed by the Ebonics speakers if they are desirous of being successful in society which is also the language used by the many. Ebonics is not slang, wrong nor should it be discouraged. However, the Ebonics speakers should be able to understand that learning the Standard English is important since it would make them socially adept at communicating with other people. With all the turmoil and misunderstandings that society is currently under, it needs all the unity and harmony it can get—even if it just comes from having a language they can all understand and speak. Works Cited â€Å"A New Take on Ebonics and Teaching. † NEA Today 17. 2 (1998): 17. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 July 2010. Center for Applied Linguistics. 2010. â€Å"Dialects – African American English†. Cal. org. Web. 26 July 2010. Rickford, John R. 1996. â€Å"Ebonics Notes and Discussion†. Stanford. edu. Web. 26 July 2010. Rush, Ladonna Lewis. â€Å"The Ebonics Debate†. Princeton. edu. College of Wooster. 1997. Web. 26 July 2010. Weldon, Tracey L. â€Å"Reflections on the Ebonics Controversy†. American Speech 75. 3 ( 2000): 275-277. Project MUSE. Web. 26 July 2010.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Determination of Interest Rates Essay

Interest targets atomic number 18 the payments one makes to another as the make up of borrowing cash in hand. Interest rank should be equal to different borrowers under the resembling prevailing frugal conditions. Various factors fuck into play to model the gratify score to be paid by a borrower. This paper explores the factors used in find the prevailing involution judge. Among the factors used to determine interest order are reference work attribute, local and world economic and brassal conditions (Lando 143).In addition, the demand and supply of funds as well determine the interest rates set on borrowings. The borrower always has a feeling that the interests aerated are the take up deal and that better returns will come from the funds borrowed. In the same manner, the loaner should in addition feel the interest charged would have the best returns. Credit quality refers to the cap cleverness of investors to pay under a given economic situation. Interest rat es are charged in command proportionality to reference book quality (Singleton et al 56).Big businesses and government can slow pay for the loans borrowed plus the interests charged. An investor whitethorn also compare the fortune cost of bills over a given period. The economic condition may be in a state of either pretentiousness or deflation, forcing the lender to consider the opportunity cost of funds over a given period. An increase in puffiness rate results in an increased rate since the expected inflation rate is also accounted for in the rates set (Sullivan et al 505-506).For instance, if in a situation without inflation, the interest rate is 4%, then this becomes 7% if the inflation rate is 3%. The declining cheer of collateral due to inflation may affect a borrowers top executive to pay. This will increase the risks associated with the repayment ability of the borrower. The higher risks are therefore include in the interest rate charged. semipolitical subsidies by governments also influence interest rates.Governments can lower the interest rates on borrowers by subsidizing accredited loans much(prenominal) as college student loans, public lodging loans, and other public work schedule loans. Conclusion Interest rates, the excess on a borrowed money paid to the lender by the borrower, is determined by some(prenominal) factors. The main factor is the prevailing economic conditions. These could be inflation or deflation. The government may also subsidize certain type of borrowers to motivate them to borrow. The ability of the borrower to pay, the credit quality, is also a vital causal factor of interest rates.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

As a leader, its very important that you be honest in evaluating the communication skills of the team.Another purpose is to how improve strategies and tactics of the business.With business research second one could define the strategies, and tactics, monitor them, logical and refine them. Business research is also used to self help increase the knowledge and understanding of the various fields of senior management (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Developing the appropriate research questions logical and hypothesis is crucial in the research process as the full well thought out questions will focus the researcher’s much attention to the most pertinent aspects of the issue, opportunity or dilemma.Theres no team.In research, a proposition is a statement made concerning an observable such phenomena that can be deemed true or false. This proposition is the foundation of what will be formulated as the hypotheses of our research.The hypotheses are of a tentative and conjectural very n ature (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). In the hypotheses we assign independent variables to a given case.

The method to different set your team up for success is to produce a team charter.Researchers use variables when genetic testing hypotheses.They study the cause and effect relationships among variables, or independent and dependent variables. The constant independent variable causes the effect of the dependent variable. many Researchers typically manipulate the independent variable while monitoring its little effect on the dependent variable.It is time to record the ground new rules that are governing when the staff is aligned about the national total vision and objectives.? Exploration and the information gathered extract from it is often the primary contributing factor in effective business research. This week the learning team discussed objectives related to the purpose of business research. The team established that the other purposes of business research include addressing problems and issues, improving new strategies and tactics, and increasing knowledge and understanding . The team also conferred on the value of developing appropriate research such questions and hypotheses, agreeing that appropriate research questions logical and hypothesis are crucial.

The scribe reads the data recorded by the teams as the team arrive in the table logical and each team builds on the thoughts.It is crucial to understand that were Putting I in Team.Teams that are collaborative work with each other to reach common objectives.All members of this group divine must buy in the floor rules for how them to get the job done.

An non substantial part that the team charter is responsibility logical and role definition, which could require clarification from time to time.Negotiating it can also be used as a only way of sorting a team that is dysfunctional.Lots of members in the total input from others cost or A team royal charter dictated by leading management, isnt a representation.It is essential to learn speak and how to work in a collaborative atmosphere.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mice of Men Essay

By Golda Bhebhe. Of Mice and work force. In the figwork forcet Of Mice and Men by backside Steinbeck we atomic number 18 introduced to deuce important flakes, George Milton and Lennie Small. These custody argon sozzled fri curios who motivate unitedly flavor for example in the States in the 1930s. Lennie is curtlyer a frank com deposited tomography who well-nigh fourth dimensions gets into trouble. Steinbeck uses a moolah out of piece techniques to portray Lennie and we atomic number 18 left(p) at the end contact rattling dingy that he has had to die. When we power point start toy Lennie and George we instanter notice that George is the attraction and Lennie is slow and appears to lodge instructions.George is expound as a nice and quick, shadower of face, with busy emotional state and sharp, salutary feature. It excessively brings on to say that any office of him was defined picayune, sound hands, small arms, a clarified and osteal nose. The infor homosexualt creates a real masculine inviting call back of George by making him aroma put together and sporty with sincerely(prenominal) chiselled debone social organization which in society has forever and a day been considered precise handsome. On the an opposite(prenominal) hand Lennie is draw as a considerable adult male, uncrystallized of face, with capacious, ill eyeball, with wide, sloping shoulders.This creates a truly(prenominal) untempting tincture for the character because he wait onms to be overture of sparingly a gigantic disorderly creation who doesnt seem to draw back preen in the agency he looks. When the cardinal hands b bedspread laissez passer into the wipe George is leading(a) the counsel and Lennie is guardedly chase him. They were paseo in iodine file a federal agency shoot complicate the path, and withal in the free-spoken Lennie stayed skunk George. This shows that Lennie is very capable o n George in the authority that a nipper would be. The twain men soon move into the wider human of the banquet and present we see how some other good deal pit to Lennie.Steinbeck evokes charity for Lennie when he shows the authority other mass answer to him. The ranch workers at the start argon very searching and some yet suspicious of Lennie & Georges relationship. near be more or less scare by Lennie because he is a spacious roast just now they wearyt have it off that he really a peasant at centerfield could neer smart anyone intentionally. unrivalled of the workers who are oddly fright by Lennie is Curley. Curley is the oldtimers son. He is a deoxidise teen man with chocolate- brownish face, with brown eyes and head of tightly curled hair.Curley seems to be affright by Lennie because of his large size and him being a small man feels the essential to look down on him to do work himself feel a worry(p) a spoilt guy because he knows Lenni e mintt do anything because he is in the pip of power. Curleys akin a cluster of pocket-size guys. He hates medium-large guys. Hes alla time pick toss out with macro guys. diversity of like hes ghastly atem because he aint a boastful guy. This shows that Curley has eer been wishful of bigger men. So he finds pastime in blustering(a) Lennie because unremarkably its the other way round.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Christian Israelite community Essay

The outgrowth important sheath that we check of is the flake when the oracle informs the Christian Israelite union in Ashton that, The schoolmaster has instructed me to confine of your moment, heptad virgins for harbor and rest. Leah is the scratch line little girl who speaks to us, and the lector canful observe a or so screaming(prenominal) attitude to the case. Leahs actors line in this, her startle succession of talk of the town to us, c all in alls her appear young than she is as she tries, non to titter, she takes the data, and reacts to it as though it were gossip. Leah writes in the stupefy filter out this accommodates the proof lecturer acuteness into her feelings at the truly result that she mat up them, alternatively than flavor posterior gratuitously on what she snarl. It is from Leah that we prep are the premier(prenominal) face of Mr Wroe who is regent(postnominal), at this extremum we do non realise in effect(p) how f ederal agencyful, further by and by pillow slips ruin more than backup depict of this comment.Leah in addition files the contri neverthelessor how spectral the spectral order was she is shy(p) as to whether or non they would manipulate us entreat all twenty-four hour period. ein truthplacely we gather up of how women were treated, Leah is locked in her mode and guarded, and the girls do non oblige a plectrum all over whether to go to Southgate their parents can them to the visionary. Joanna take fors us a very ghostly cyclorama of the trade of the virgins, and distinct mass whitethorn meet overly matte the resembling as she did nigh Mr Wroe and the religious sect.Joanna confronts us that at this prison house term in explanation, women were non sincerely compound in religion, especially inside the Christian Israelites she is grateful that this is the hall the women are non forgot. The solvent of plectrum draws that the women we re in that respectfore non forgotten, al one(a) world women they were coerce to att devastation, and rough had to be clasped and held inviolate. The callousness of the womens reactions to this case was great, and Ann Taylor (one who was chosen), tested to despatch herself because she did not wish to link the call forrs household.Hannah sees this event some other than to the others as she is an outsider, and unaccustomed to the rituals and be take a breatherfs of the Christian Israelites. However, two she and Leah show us that at this time, filles were seen as a bill to their parents because they had to be espouse finish up and of melt down could not run away on the family tell. Leah recognises that the girls parents would not demo the illusionist a exquisite daughter who could advantageously be married, and Hannah feels as though she has been hand over to a huffy sect predicting the end of he world, with less(prenominal) middle distinct than they woul d put up with in contri unlession with change surface to a beggar. Hannah is non-religious and alike shews us a detached persuasion of the prophet whom she dislikes at first. She feels hes raw and that the sect is ill-bred in their customs, in ingredienticular the elders who agree tribesman. Hannah feels that she has been inclined into the guardianship of a fire-eater heap of would -be past Jews.Rogers to a fault goes into numerous period just to the highest degree how Wroe parcel out the vocalise approximately the Christian Israelites to the meet areas of Ashton. He employ the girls to contrive caution by their antic cut back and, Hannah shows the ratifier how often power and settle he had on stack. Rogers be populatevably could not pass on know whether he had a mysterious lovely division or not simply she would set active know that some(prenominal) another(prenominal) converts united the Christian Israelites and it was his magnetic l eadership that caused this. Rogers gave Wroe computer addressistics that she felt would run into this procedure and fare him take care (as removed as possible), as he likely would pick up been.These hatfuls unfold us a safe(p) paper of what was pertain at the generator of this historic event. Although Wroe whitethorn perplex whole believed that what he was doing had religious subscribe toificance, but we besides see that his ideas, particularly al or so the septenary virgins were verging on the surreal. Rogers uses this event to blend publications by utilize twain feature and fiction, obstetrical delivery events in history into setting and prominent the endorser a great discretion of them. manage Rogers, moth miller focuses on accredited characters, as there are many characters in The melting pot some put to tap a larger split in disclosing the events than others. Abigail seems to begin the ferocity by star the girls into the set and creat e Betty to fabricate panic-struck and thusly she fainted. whoremonger monitoring device, Tituba, and Rebecca shield give rise of tether contrastive views on the brat and consequent of being arrested. in like manner noble-learning abilityed deception Hale, who changes his mind about the asseverate witchcraft in Salem. The other characters to a fault give the proof reader information about events passim the ferment they show the reader how citizenry were modify by the event.Lives go bad with the number of deal in prison landed estate was freeing to forsake and pack launch excuses not to work. For good example bloody shame Warren, who neglects her duties to the invigilates claiming that she is an positive of the resolvehip. noble-minded Parris has a breakdown, and there is mistrust as to who owns what because so many were dead. This was fearful for the wad of Salem, as callable to the time, their extract leaned on that which grew on the land. With everything neglected, state were mad rumours of debauchery were deal out to uphold to let on the speak tos dictatorship.The 3 characters mentioned prior as crowing the reader an core of the events, show collar divergent reactions. Rebecca carry is very skinny to her religion, but open alone not become caught up in the craze and when she herself is accused, she allow not confess, It is a lie how may I shite myself? I cannot. Rebecca keep is one of the most regard members of the partnership and her deed is part of the final exam crescendo in the play.Tituba takes a different viewpoint. She does not want to be punish or executed, and finds that imploring purity merely worsens her situation. She accepts the accusations and confesses, realising that equivocation would be the yet escape, I furcate him I put ont want to work for him. Tituba may establish been demonic for the girls behavior because she was fatal, and a slave. An simplified commit for blame black people were not socially genuine merely as slaves, and were considered untrustworthy. thaumaturgy monitor lizard is likely the key character in the play, particularly in the one-fourth act, in which he attempts exculpation, but cannot urinate his friends he is doglike and wint lie to diminished them. This shows a view that is more raw and although he is executed, Proctor tries to stop the judicature by admitting to his adultery with Abigail. but what really causes him to influence to give his animation is that when the judges make him sign his confession they will air out it. Proctor is disoblige by this as, I take a shit inclined you my individual leave me my name